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The Reproductive System, which includes the penis and testes in males, and the vagina, uterus and ovaries in women, allows humans to reproduce. The male reproductive system produces sperm. The female reproductive system produces eggs. Together they produce a fertilized egg that grows in the uterus. Reproduction is the process through which life continues to exist.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Warning: Not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor prior to use. Discontinue use and consult with your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.

(Mitchella repens)
Helps to relieve menstrual discomfort.*
(Passiflora sp.)
Helps to relieve discomfort associated with menopause and to relieve occasional muscle spasms.*
(Mentha pulegium)

Helps maintain a healthy menstrual cycle.*
(Chimaphila umbellata)

Helps to maintain a healthy urinary tract and prostate.*
(Black Cohosh, Blessed Thistle, Dong Quai, Partridge Berry, Red Raspberry Leaf, Stone Root, Wild Yam) Helps to alleviate discomfort from Premenstrual Syndrome (P.M.S).*

4oz. stock: Reformulated:
(Blessed Thistle, Chaste Tree Berry, Crampbark, Ginger, Partridge Berry, Red Raspberry Leaf)
1oz. stock:
(Blessed Thistle, Crampbark, False Unicorn, Ginger, Partridge Berry, Red Raspberry Leaf)

This combination of herbs may help to relieve nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.*
(Buchu, Marshmallow, Pumpkin Seed, White Pond Lily, Wild Rose Hips) Helps to support prostate health.*
(Rubus sp.)
Beneficial for overall female health and helps to relieve occasional stomach discomfort.*
(Rosmarinus officinalis)
Beneficial for menopausal discomfort.*
Beneficial for menopausal discomfort, glandular and adrenal support.*
(Ruta graveolens)
Supports healthy menstruation.*
(Salvia sp.)
Beneficial as a tonic for healthy body systems, counteracting hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause and maintaining healthy digestive and nervous systems.*
(Serenoa repens)
Helps to maintain a healthy prostate.*
(Maca, Pumpkin Seed, Sarsaparilla, Stone Root, Wild Yam, Yohimbe) Helps to enhance stamina in men and women.*
(Curcuma longa)
Beneficial for the relief of menstrual discomfort and maintaining healthy digestion.*
(Uncaria sp.)
Supports the maintenance of overall women’s health, maintains joint support and supports a healthy menstrual cycle.*
(Buchu, Cornsilk, Stone Root, Uva Ursi, Yarrow) Helps to maintain a healthy urinary tract and prostate and supports healthy kidney and bladder function.*
(Nymphaea sp.)
Beneficial for female reproductive system support and male prostate support.*
(Dioscorea vilosa)
Helps to relieve occasional cramping associated with menstruation.*