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Liquid Extracts

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Warning: Not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor prior to use. Discontinue use and consult with your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.

    (Vitex agnus-castus)
    Beneficial for relieving hot flashes and the discomfort of menopause.*
    (Astragalus, Bilberry, Bitter Orange, Blessed Thistle, Eucalyptus, Gentian, Indian Tobacco, Marshmallow, Mullein Leaf, Olive Leaf, Yerba Santa) Helps to support a healthy respiratory tract.*
    Temporarily Discontinued
    (Castanea sp.)

    Helps to maintain the health of the tissue in the respiratory tract, healthy lung and sinus tissue and a healthy respiratory system.*
    (Stellaria media)
    Beneficial to assist with weight loss along with diet and exercise, beneficial as a tonic for good health, beneficial for joint comfort and support and to help maintain the body’s normal inflammatory response.*
    (Cichorium intybus)
    Beneficial for digestion, liver health, contributes to a healthy glucose metabolism and helps to maintain healthy blood pressure already within the normal range.*
    (Pinus strobus)
    Helps to support a healthy respiratory system.*
    (Chlorella sp.)
    Beneficial for overall nutrition.*
    (Galium aparine)
    Beneficial for maintenance of kidney and urinary system health.*
    (Syzygium sp.)
    Helps to calm occasional nausea and also beneficial for oral health.*
    (Zea sp.)
    Helps to maintain a healthy urinary tract.*
    (Cornsilk, Stone Root, Uva Ursi) Helps to maintain a healthy urinary tract and relieve occasional urinary discomfort.*
    (Viburnum opulus)
    Promotes the maintenance of good health, helps to alleviate cramping during menstruation and supports a healthy menstruation.*
    Discontinued-see Crampbark & Chaste Tree Berry (SKU: CCS)
    (Crampbark, False Unicorn Root) Beneficial for supporting male and female reproductive functions.*
    (Barberry, Celandine, Milk Thistle, Sanicle, Turmeric) Supports a healthy urinary tract.*
    (Blessed Thistle, Capsicum, HT Combination [Hawthorn, Motherwort, Myrrh], Lily of the Valley) Supports healthy circulatory system and digestive function.*
    (Helichrysum sp.)
    Helps to maintain a healthy mucous membrane in the mouth and a healthy stomach function.*
    (Veronicastrum virginicum)
    Supports a healthy liver and gall bladder, helps to relieve occasional constipation and helps with digestive support.*
    (Turnera diffusa)
    Beneficial for increasing sexual desire.*
    (Black Walnut Hulls, Blue Vervain, Cudweed, Feverfew, Horsetail, Indian Tobacco, Rice Bran, Scullcap, St. John's Wort) Beneficial for calming nerves and relieving tension.*
    Contains: Walnuts
    (Taraxacum sp.)
    Beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes and skin and maintaining healthy liver, kidneys & blood.*